Uniforma - Branding & Digital Design studioMenu button
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Uniforma s.c.
Staszica 9/5
61-528 Poznan

Zero,2 - Redesign

Zero,2 is an advertising agency with a strong focus on organising events. We were asked to help them out with their branding and website.

Zero,2 in the last couple of years wasn’t really paying attention to promoting themselves. Their clients knew them well, but besides that, no one was aware how much experience and skills that have.

They’re a great partners to work with and can handle extremly difficult tasks. We wanted them to be more confident, bold and this is why the identity is based on big typography and a strong use of colors.

Event photo - Zero2 by Uniforma
Logo coloring gradient - Zero2 by Uniforma
Homepage - web design, desktop - Zero2 by Uniforma
Web design - tablet - Zero2 by Uniforma
Web design - mobile - Zero2 by Uniforma
Grid system - Zero2 by Uniforma
Catalog - Zero2 by Uniforma
Audi event photo - Zero2 by Uniforma
Tote bags, catalog and business card - Zero2 by Uniforma
Audi event photo - Zero2 by Uniforma
Brand book - Zero2 by Uniforma